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.: Prabhupada Letters :. Anthology a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() December 6, 2014 1967 December 6: "Regarding beautifying the temple, we should always know that every place is temporary, but wherever we live we should decorate and beautify it for Krishna, so go on decorating our temple as nicely as possible." Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 letters | 10:55 | 1969 December 6: "As different light bulbs take different amounts of energy depending upon the capacity of the bulb, similarly, according to one's sincere desire to render devotional service, the Lord responds accordingly to enlighten such devotee." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 10:53 | 1974 December 6: "So the guru is not on the scene. He has fled away and nobody knows where he is, but the Krishna consciousness program is going on. So that was also going on during the time of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 10:24 | 1974 December 6: "Sometimes we may differ, but Krishna is the center. Just like there is Radharani's party and there is Candravali's party. So even there is competition in Vrindavan, they will coincide in Krishna." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 10:20 | 1974 December 6: "Our aim is to create men of ideal character. And, if our men are distributing books on this account, they are doing the best service. The end justifies the means. We have to give them even they do not want it. That is our duty." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 10:12 | 1974 December 6: "I blindly follow my Guru Maharaj. I do not know what is the result. So I am stressing book distribution. He told me this personally. You are intelligent boys, you should judge the desire of my Guru Maharaj and help me." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 10:06 | 1974 December 6: "I will come but I must be back in India by mid March. No, I have not stopped traveling. I am trying to go on like a young man, but sometimes the health does not allow. That is beyond my jurisdiction." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 09:59 | 1975 December 6: "I said from the very beginning that we should not move, but you proposed moving, so now you are proposing staying. So that is all right, stay and develop there." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 09:21 | December 5, 2014 1968 December 5 : "Regarding my meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury, please arrange for this. We will talk on a religious basis and we may invite many respectable elites of the city to participate." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 19:32 | 1970 December 5 : "One gentleman has offered us a small Temple in Vrndavana with room for about 20-25 men. It is in care of our friend. Please go there immediately and see it and do the needful." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 19:18 | 1971 December 5 : "Upon the shoulders of you the leaders of this Movement falls the responsibility of saving this earth planet from the present dangerous position. So the work is in your hands. Let me be free now to translate books." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 19:17 | 1971 December 5 : "MacMillan Co. should not change our Bhagavad-gita As It Is from our version. Examine the contract very thoroughly and consult. You may also send me a copy of the contract." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 19:16 | 1972 December 5 : "Three years ago I asked Dai Nippon to print 20,000 copies of Back To Godhead and barely we could distribute them. Now your temple alone is distributing so many, so this is very, very encouraging to me." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 05:28 | 1972 December 5 : "It is the perfect form of preaching. Follow the line laid down by Prahlada Maharaja and try to take every one back to home, back to Godhead. And this is done by distributing our literature." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 05:27 | 1973 December 5 : " Thank you very much for increasing the book distribtuion. My Guru Maharaja was most pleased to see books distributed so continue to increase it more and more." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 05:20 | 1973 December 5 : "We require men for India. Our programs there are important and there is a great need. I am requesting that you send at least one or two first class men from your zone. Kindly make arrangement for this." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 05:19 | December 4, 2014 1968 December 4: "In these hymns they have no definite idea of what is God. But we are directly praying to Krishna for the highest benediction of eternal devotional service so we do not require to repeat the Christian hymns." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 04:18 | 1968 December 4: "One person is appreciating water while another person is tasting the water. When we taste, appreciation is automatically there and when we have taste for chanting, automatically appreciation for God is there." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 04:13 | 1969 December 4: "Anything which will remind one of Krishna is spiritual, and anything which will make one forget Krishna is material. Actually, everything is of spiritual nature because everything is coming from Krishna." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 04:06 | 1972 December 4: "You can write songs about Krishna, but one cannot take it very seriously. They should be perfectly from the transcendental platform, without any tinge of mundane influence or nonsense imagination." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 04:04 | 1973 December 4: "Regarding Bombay project, the foundation should be dug immediately. Regading Government loan, ask for at least 1 crore. If we construct a very attractive hotel many tourists will come just like the Holiday Inn." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 04:00 | 1974 December 4: "Regarding money for the Vrindaban project, I have written for a report, and as soon as it comes, I will reply you. You must be satisfied how the money is being spent." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 03:50 | 1975 December 4: "The reports are very encouraging. Keep me informed. There is tremendous field for selling books. In every home there should be at least one of our publications." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 03:43 | 1975 December 4: "Yes, managing the temple is not so important. I am pleased that you are selling my books, this is superior engagement, so please continue and increase it more and more." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 03:42 | December 3, 2014 1967 December 3: "Lord Caitanya said the ocean of Krishna Consciousness increases daily, nobody is static in Krishna Consciousness, everyone becomes a dynamic force for spreading this movement. It is truly a happy movmement, " Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 letters | 09:33 | 1971 December 3: "If preaching is strong, management will be strong. That is the rule. If we simply remain pure and become very convinced of this Krishna consciousness philosophy, any sane man will agree with us when we speak." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 09:29 | 1971 December 3: "This is very good news. MacMillan is enthusiastic to print our Bhagavad-gita As It Is, 30,000 paperback and 10,000 hardback. See to it that everything is done smoothly, so that Bhagavad-gita may be presented to the world without further delay." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 09:27 | 1972 December 3: "I do not know why these inventions are going on. I have never introduced these things. That is our only business, to invent something new program? Who has introduced these things?" Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 09:26 | 1972 December 3: "We have got our standard. It was sufficient for Lord Caitanya, the Six Gosvamis, Bhaktivinode Thakura, my Guru Maharaja, and for me. Why it shall now be inadequate that my disciples must manufacture something? That is not possible." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 09:25 | 1973 December 3: "We have opened some Centers and they must be maintained. But we shall not open any more Centers for now. We require much manpower and resources, we must consolidate our energy." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 09:20 | 1975 December 3: "I started this movement by book selling. I was never a beggar for money, but I was writing and selling books and publishing BTG alone. But I could not give the thing shape, so I decided to come to America." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 08:48 | 1975 December 3: "My Guru Maharaja very much liked my writing and my Godbrothers, they also liked my writing. After I wrote that poem of my Guru Maharaja for Vyasa Puja they used to call me Poet." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 08:46 | December 2, 2014 1968 December 2: "Our first business is to complete our rounds each day. The other paraphernalia and activities shall be executed as time permits. If there is no time then we must disregard." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 03:16 | 1968 December 2: "You should know that we are better Christians because we are following and they are not. They are performing so much killing by meat-eating and wars. So how are they good Christians?" Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 03:15 | 1969 December 2: "Forty years ago when my Godbrother came to England he complained of getting manpower. That is not a good policy to get men from another country. One has to create manpower from the local environment. That is success of preaching." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 03:05 | 1969 December 2: "I am very pleased that Jayadvaita Brahmacari will be going to Boston soon for typing BTG and our books. He is the first class typist in our society so far I have heard." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 03:02 | 1973 December 2: "The bona fide Spiritual Master is present wherever His sincere disciple is trying to serve His instructions. In your attempts to serve me, I am with you as My Guru Maharaja is with me." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 03:00 | 1973 December 2: "Yes, I remember the old days in San Francisco. Krsna has sent me so many sincere disciples. Continue with your street sankirtan program there. It is fully appoved by me. It is our life and soul." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 02:48 | 1974 December 2: "I have seen on the new books these words have been omitted. Formally they were there on all the books. It is understood you removed these words. Why did you do this? Who authorized it?" Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 02:40 | 1975 December 2: "I'm very pleased you have not deviated from the principles I have taught. By satisfying the bona fide Spiritual Master you satisfy Krishna immediately without any doubt." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 02:37 | December 1, 2014 1968 December 1: "I am always praying to Lord Krishna to bestow His Causeless Mercy upon you. So far the phenomenon you questioned me about, that it is a good sign. You needn't disclose it to everyone, you have disclosed to me and that is sufficient." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 04:14 | 1970 December 1: "These engagements at schools and colleges is most important. These are completely new thoughts for the Western world. Once they take up Krishna Consciousness in the colleges, it will be the greatest success." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 04:10 | 1973 December 1: "Just today we received a letter that construction has stopped. We must complete the Vrindaban Temple so remain for one year further and collect. Pray to Krsna that we may always please the Acaryas by our service." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 04:08 | 1973 December 1: "Construct a hotel for tourists to come and learn about factual spiritual life. Solicit a loan from the Government. We will repay in foreign exchange. This is the key to Governmental support." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 04:06 | 1974 December 1: "So it doesn't matter if we are selling more or less, so far the publications are there. We may sell or not, but the books must be there." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 03:56 | 1974 December 1: "There will be collapse as you have anticipated. Man-made laws cannot work any rupture in Krsna's plan. Let us remain now under Krsna's shelter fully dependent, and we shall remain unaffected by all these man-made difficulties." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 03:51 | 1975 December 1: "Every student is expected to become Acarya. I have given you sannyasa with the great hope that in my absence you will preach throughout the world and become recognized by Krishna as the most sincere servant of the Lord." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 03:27 | 1975 December 1: "Keep trained up very rigidly and then you are bona fide Guru. I want to see my disciples become bona fide Spiritual Master and spread Krishna consciousness very widely, that will make me and Krishna very happy." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 03:24 | November 30, 2014 1970 November 30: "Continue placing my books in libraries, colleges and bookstores. All of you GBC members must always be acting for Krishna. Krishna Consciousness means to be alive, not that if we get some time, we lay down and sleep." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 06:07 | 1970 November 30: "Krishna is not poor. He can supply any amount for the devotees who are engaged in broadcasting His glories. My Guru Maharaja used to say 'Don't worry about money, Do something nice for Krishna and money will come.'" Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 06:03 | 1971 November 30: "You talk of expanding. I want that all of these big plans should be realized - and there will be no end to the resources Krishna will provide - but first there must be good management. Who will manage?" Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 06:01 | 1971 November 30: "Why Bhagavad-gita printing is delayed? For the last three years you've been saying it is going to be printed. If printing one book takes so much time how will it be possible to print the other sixty books?" Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 06:00 | 1971 November 30: "Our only business is to spread Krishna Consciousness. We are not in business to make profit from each other. Our centers require so many things and these should be freely exchanged between the temples without profit-making." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 05:57 | 1971 November 30: "Let us distribute my books far and wide. We stand on our Krishna conscious philosophy, and because it has the full potency of Krishna Himself, if you all remain sincere there is no limit to the effect it can have upon the world." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 05:50 | 1975 November 30: "The King and the bed bug, both of them are sitting on the same throne, but the business of the King is to rule and the bed bug's business is to bite. The place the same, but the consciousness is different." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 05:48 | 1975 November 30: "God is always in Vaikuntha and those who are God conscious, the Pure devotees of the Lord, they are always in Vaikuntha also - there is nothing like material for them." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 05:47 | |
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