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.: Prabhupada Letters :. Anthology a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() July 5, 2014 1949 July 5: "Gandhiji minus his spiritual activities, is an ordinary politician. If you do not accelerate his spiritual movement, his memory will soon be as dead as has been the lot of other politicians." Prabhupada Letters :: 1947 - 1964 letters | 15:20 | 1949 July 5 : "People should be given chance to become harijana with equal facilities for all. The Gandhi Memorial Fund should be utilized mainly for this purpose. Myself with a batch of sincere workers are ready to take up this work." Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64 letters | 15:19 | 1969 July 5 : "I marked it in your person and I prayed to Krishna that this good soul may be aware of the importance of Krishna Consciousness. With my blessings I am sending herewith your beads, duly chanted upon by me." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 15:18 | 1969 July 5: "Su means auspicious. In the material world the Maya energy is called Bhadra and in the spiritual world Subhadra. Maya works auspiciously in the spiritual workd and in the material world inauspiciously. This auspicious or inauspicious is our own choice." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 15:17 | 1969 July 5 : "You should attract new devotees from your quarters. Instead of importing devotees, it is better to attract devotees from your own area. And the basic principle for doing this is Sankirtana Party." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969: letters | 15:16 | 1971 July 5: "First discuss with him that this marriage business is not a farce, but it must be taken very seriously. There is no question of divorce, and if he will promise not to separate from his wife, then my sanction for the marriage is there; otherwise not." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 15:15 | 1975 July 5: "I think he has given you good, sane advice. You should not think of relinquishing your job without meeting me and discussing the matter deeply. Don't do anything out of sentiment." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 15:08 | 1975 July 5: "I very much like these bus programs. They are greatly increasing the scope of our book distribution and many new men are being attracted. So hand over the management of your temple affairs and come here immediately." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 15:06 | July 4, 2014 1968 July 4: "The only process for perceiving Krishna is our sincere service attitude with our senses. I thank you very much for grasping the momentum of Krishna Consciousness. May Krishna give you more and more strength in understanding His transcendental nature." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 15:58 | 1969 July 4: "I know there are many Sanskrit scholars in Germany but I am not going to Germany as a Sanskrit scholar - my attempt will be to deliver the message of Lord Caitanya in the shape of Krishna Consciousness." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 15:57 | 1970 July 4: "Now preach in English this Krsna consciousness philosophy amongst the educated circle in Calcutta and perform Kirtana. My principle is that where my other Godbrothers cannot preach I shall go there. On my behalf you should follow this principle, also." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 15:56 | 1971 July 4 : "Here things are going on very nicely and just this week forty new devotees were initiated. So the stock of japa beads I brought with me has been depleted. I would like that more beads be sent immediately by air." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 15:55 | 1973 July 4 : "This is very welcome news, that all obstacles are cleared in the way of building our temple at Vrindaban. Similarly in Bombay we have been victorious and gained overwhelming new popular support." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 15:54 | 1975 July 4: "So, you begin the work, and money will come to you by the grace of God. Don't worry, just finish the buildings as soon as possible and somehow or other money will come." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 15:24 | 1975 July 4: "You should be able to sell at least four lakhs of Rupees worth of books per month. You must also keep proper account. Not a single farthing should be wasted. I will see the accounts personally when I return." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 15:22 | 1975 July 4: "The money sent to you is on loan basis. All money is BBT money and must be paid back by you to the BBT account. You can pay back conveniently. We shall help you - but you must pay back." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 15:18 | July 3, 2014 1968 July 3: "We do not advocate any sectarian religion. We are concerned to invoke our dormant love for God. Any method that helps us in reaching such platform is welcome but we have hardly found anyone to come to that stage simply by following religious rituals." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 14:57 | 1968 July 3: "We want ecstasy, it does not matter where one feels it, this church or the other. But, one who feels the ecstasy of Krishna Consciousness, he finishes his ecstasy of material enjoyment - that is the test." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 14:55 | 1969 July 3: "Please convey my blessings to Jayananda, who is helping so much now in organizing for the Rathayatra Festival. LA temple is now an ideal place for all centers to take example. Now make San Francisco as important." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 14:54 | 1971 July 3: "Politicians pose as the friend of the people, but they are actually not. The real friend is Krishna. Still, if you can make arrangements to meet with Nixon, it will be a great event, so try for it." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 14:53 | 1971 July 3: "I have not heard from you concerning our Mayapur program. Is the fence being constructed? What news of Indira Gandhi? Please let me know. I am very anxious to hear from you." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 14:51 | 1972 July 3: "There are only a handful of you who are convinced beyond any doubt about this Krsna consciousness movement - but that is sufficient to change the entire course of history." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 14:50 | 1974 July 3: "I am relieved to know your whereabouts again after not hearing from you for some time. You want to see me and I also have some important things to discuss with you, so best thing is we meet at the end of July in Vrindaban." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 14:48 | 1975 July 3: "We have received sanction for constructing the Juhu temple. Until further order whatever money you collect should be sent to Bombay. Print books as far as possible, and whatever money you collect send to Bombay." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 14:47 | July 2, 2014 1968 July 2: "By denying my application injustice has been done to me. Please try to convince him that my presence is essential. I am qualified Religious Minister. I have got sufficient money to maintain myself." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 16:36 | 1969 July 2: "During my Guru Maharaja's days, thousands of Rupees were being dispatched from Calcutta to London. While under foreign control, Hindustan had the liberty to preach in foreign countries but now being independent, they are prohibiting to send some Murtis and mrdangas." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 16:35 | 1969 July 2: "If the Beatles are chanting, give them all facilities. We want only that Hare Krishna may be very popular all over the world. But we should not try to make a profit out of Hare Krishna Mantra; then our spiritual enlightenment will be hampered." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 16:34 | 1969 July 2: "We should not try to become a very popular musical party. Music is one of our items for chanting, but we are not musicians. We should always remember this fact. We take advantage of the typewriter but that doesn't mean we are professional typists." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 16:20 | 1969 July 2: "She cannot live in the temple. We should utilize all of our facilities for our own men. Besides, she has got her ideas of Hindu sentiment and cannot be used for international Krishna Consciousness." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 16:18 | 1969 July 2: "It is all simply high-sounding words. There is no substance or practical program. He has no money and he wants to take from others and others wish to sign papers only. So forget about his hallucinations." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 16:12 | July 1, 2014 1966 July 1 "Today I entered the new house at 26 Second Avenue. For my purpose it is all good. I do not why Krishna is trying to establish me in New York. I am his servant's servant and therefore let His desire be fulfilled through my agency." Prabhupada Letters :: 1966 letters | 17:25 | 1969 July 1: "I am very glad to know that one rich Indian is prepared to contribute some money for our temple activities. But my mission will be more successful if the Americans construct a temple, although we have no distinction as to American or Indian; anyone can do it." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 17:21 | 1970 July 1: "I do not know what Kirtanananda has told you. If there is scarcity of qualified pujaris, each center should be satisfied only by worshipping Panca Tattva by performance of Sankirtana." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 17:17 | 1971 July 1: "I'm very sorry that you are separated from the temple. But don't worry. Krishna will save you, you can be sure. There is no doubt about it. So go on chanting Hare Krishna at all costs and never mind these tribulations of maya." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 17:11 | 1972 July 1: "I am so much pleased that you have taken Sannyas and are preaching whole-heartedly. Do not worry about your wife and child, Krishna will take care of them. Just you save the foolish world from going to hell." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 17:08 | 1974 July 1: "Let it be a first class, A-1 arrangement. All big officers should be invited. Goswamis and godbrothers also. All the inhabitants of Vrindaban will be invited. There is no question of money." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 17:07 | 1974 July 1: "We do not have to be dependent on taking help from persons who will not even eat with us, thinking us inferior. We are not dependent on any Indian goswami. Let them come as invited but we shall conduct the affair ourselves." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 17:06 | 1975 July 1: "Actually we are not fond of having businesses. Regard your main business as trying to become Krsna conscious through reading my books and associating with the devotees in the Sankirtana movement." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 17:01 | June 30, 2014 1968 June 30: "Simply for land, we don't care. We simply want favorable place for worshipping Krishna. That is our idea. Our propaganda is to make people feel for Krishna and become engaged in His transcendental loving service." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 20:05 | 1968 June 30: "Live as simply as possible without any exaggeration, regularly hold Krishna Kirtana, and try to convince people about the non-sectarian nature of Krishna Consciousness. That will make you successful." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 20:00 | 1968 June 30: "Krishna Consciousness is not a religious movement as it is generally understood. We are teaching love for God. That means Krishna Consciousness is the post-graduate class for all religious sects." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 19:58 | 1968 June 30: "Krishna is universal, Krishna is non-sectarian. Without understanding Krishna everyone is sectarian, and combination of such non-Krishna Consciousness persons will never create any institution of non-sectarian nature." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 19:55 | 1973 June 30: "We received copies of the Swahili Topmost Yoga System and it is very nicely done. This printing and distribution of our literature is most important aspect of our propaganda work." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 19:51 | 1974 June 30: "As far as my blessing is concerned it does not require my physical presence. If you are chanting Hare Krishna and following my instructions, then there is no question of your not receiving the blessings of Lord Caitanya." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 19:49 | 1975 June 30: "Why work in hellish factories? Let everyone live simply and be Krsna conscious. This farm project you should consider very important. Let people be self sufficient." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 19:42 | 1975 June 30: "There is no need to form a separate committee. Let each zone and center push on in their area of the world. I have organized GBC for the purpose of spreading Krsna consciousness all over the world." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 19:40 | June 29, 2014 1969 June 29: "I request you and your friends, George and John, to make a nice Hare Krishna record sung by the most popular Beatles and assisted by our devotees. That will be very nice. To make this Hare Krishna Movement popular through any source possible, that is our business." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 12:33 | 1970 June 29: "I am very glad to know that your sales of our literature and books are very good and improving more. It is natural that distribution of literatures should increase as people hear more about our Krsna Consciousness Movement, so distribution of our books and literatures is our major propaganda program." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 12:31 | 1970 June 29: "We require personalities like you to join this movement wholeheartedly, but because you have got wife and children I am hesitating to ask you to close your business. As a responsible head of a family you should consider this point seriously." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 12:29 | 1971 June 29: "Number one engagement is that you must chant at least 16 rounds Hare Krishna Mantra daily. Speak according to sastra and try to convince all conditioned souls about the real truth. You can surrender by doing your best to preach this Krishna Consciousness Movement. That will make you perfect." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 12:26 | 1971 June 29: "From Moscow, I went to Paris. we have got a very nice center there. I stayed only one day but they arranged nice meetings and a press conference and people were favorably impressed. In different papers they admitted that our movement is genuine." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 12:17 | 1971 June 29: " Very soon I will be sending you so many dictation tapes you will be over-burdened with work. Presently I am in L.A. where I just returned from a very successful Rathayatra festival in San Francisco. From here I will be going to London to participate in their Rathayatra festival on 4th July. Shortly thereafter I will be going to New York." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 12:14 | 1973 June 29: "I see your wife is busy distributing prasadam - send some for me. Now you have a proper field husband and wife, please do it nicely. Make your next attempt in Moscow. Your transcendental competition is there. I want to see who will come out triumphant." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 12:12 | 1973 June 29: "Yes, travel around the world holding Hare Krishna Festivals, you have my blessings. The communists by dry philosophy have spread all over the world. We are spreading festivals, feasting, philosophy and salvation - why shall we not overthrow them?" Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 12:08 | |
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