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.: Prabhupada Letters :. Anthology a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() September 20, 2014 1968 September 20: "You have very frankly inquired about sex relationship. A sannyasi is not supposed to be asked anything sexual. But still, because you are so much dependent, I must give you information as far as possible." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 11:01 | 1968 September 20: "It is not necessary that because one has got wife, therefore you must have sex life. The whole scheme is to avoid sex life. And if one can avoid it completely then it is a great victory for him." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 10:48 | 1968 September 20: "Just like a flock of birds - although very intimately related, everyone of them has to fly in the sky by individual strength. If one is less strong, the other cannot keep him in the sky. That is the law of nature." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 10:38 | 1968 September 20: "So long everyone of us is strong in Krishna Consciousness, there is no doubt, you can fly in the spiritual sky and meet together without failure. But if somebody lags behind, one may not meet the other at our destination." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 10:36 | 1968 September 20: "You should not imitate great personalities like Bhaktivinoda Thakura but you must follow in Their footprints. In all circumstances try to follow - but never try to imitate." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 10:34 | 1974 September 20: "The festival success is very encouraging. So go on with your festivals. You have captured the essence, and therefore you are successful in being able to distribute it. I am very glad that I have got such good disciples as you." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 00:10 | 1974 September 20: "This is the duty of all my initiated disciples, whether they are big or they are small. Actually there is no such thing as big or small. Everyone is devotee. So everyone is expected to follow the devotional practices." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 00:08 | 1974 September 20: "Do not be paramahamsa that now I haven't got to hear Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad gita. Don't be a better paramahamsa than your Guru Maharaja. So as I am doing, you must also do." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 00:06 | September 19, 2014 1955 September 19: "My dear Sripada Gosvami Maharaja, So why for the matter of saving some papers we shall not print the full number? In my opinion we should print more than 1000 copies every month and distribute them in large scale. I think you will reconsider the matter and let me know your further opinion." Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64 letters | 00:28 | 1965 September 19 : "Today is the 38th day of our journey. We reached New York Port at 12:30 pm, three hours later than the scheduled time." Prabhupada Journal :: 1965 letters | 00:24 | 1968 September 19: "He cannot go because he has rendered already some service to Krishna. So Krishna is not going to leave him at any cost. Please offer my blessings to him, and treat him very well. So far Mrigendra das is concerned, he will also come back; don't worry." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 00:22 | 1969 September 19 : "In England there is very good prospect for pushing on Krishna Consciousness. I am trying to make some arrangement with Mr. John Lennon to have the facility for of his garden house. Here we can accommodate many devotees." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 00:20 | 1969 September 19: "Lord Caitanya accepted Jagai and Madhai on condition they would not commit further sinful activities. So all our students should be careful in the matter of violating the four principles and at the same time must carry on the chanting process rigidly." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 00:16 | 1970 September 19 : "Hundreds of people join our Sankirtana Party daily in downtown Calcutta, and I am confident that this great mission will be successful if only we continue to push on without any personal motivation." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 00:14 | 1974 September 19: "Your duty is to carry out my orders. Anyone who surrenders to Krishna wholeheartedly and engages in His service cannot say later on, I resign. Once surrendered, it cannot be withdrawn." 1975 September 19: letters | 00:08 | 1975 September 19: "To the Prime Minister of Mauritius: I thank you very much for your kind invitation to visit your country. I am arriving at Port Louis on the afternoon of the 30th and I look forward to meeting with Your Excellency." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 00:04 | September 18, 2014 1960 September 18: "[From the Visitors' Book] I am pleased to write herein that I have come to Delhi from my H.Q. Kesi Ghat, Vrindaban (U.P.) purely on spiritual mission to propagate the cult of devotional service of the Lord. And I am publishing an English fortnightly magazine of the name Back-To-Godhead from this place." Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64 letters | 04:36 | 1965 September 18: "To-day is the 37th day of our journey. At 4 p.m. we left Boston Port for New York. At midnight there was considerable fog till we reached late at New York Port at 12:30 on 19/9/65." Jaladuta Diary :: 1965 letters | 04:27 | 1965 September 18: "Markine Bhagavata-dharma On board the ship Jaladuta, Commonwealth Pier, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. dated 18th of September, 1965" Jaladuta Diary :: 1965 letters | 04:26 | 1968 September 18: "If by begging alms we can provide ourself, we should not accept any job. Form a party of Sankirtana, and walk in the street, you can get not less than 50 to 100 marks daily. Form a local trust party of 12 heads and immediately start your work." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 04:24 | 1968 September 18: "It is clear that the place is destined for our temple, and you can immediately take it on lease. You are a sincere devotee and Krishna will give you timely all good intelligence in this connection. Now please try to organize as quickly as possible." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 04:22 | 1972 September 18: "The standards I have already given you, now maintain them. Do not try to innovate or create anything or manufacture anything, that will ruin everything. Simply do as I am doing and be always serious and sincere to serve Krsna, and He will give you intelligence how to do everything." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 04:14 | 1974 September 18: "The subject matter is very grave and unless you intimately associate yourself with us it will be very difficult to understand. I have got my program to go there by the end of the month. At that time you can try to meet me." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 04:12 | 1975 September 18: "You all should co-operate and then things will go on very nicely. We should not bring in politics. That is a very nasty thing." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 04:07 | September 17, 2014 1965 September 17: "Thirty-sixth day from starting from Calcutta Port. We are now on the Boston dockyard and the custom officers came on the ship. They have now issued the admittance permission. To-day we are expected to reach Boston Port U.S.A." Jaladuta Diary :: 1965 letters | 07:48 | 1968 September 17: "Already he has wasted ten months by his childish frivolities; sometimes preacher, sometimes guru, and sometimes so and so. So you will kindly give them clear indication that they should stop all these things, and work as directed without further delay." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 07:45 | 1968 September 17:"It is clear he is trying to entice. He is canvassing to break them from the society and to remain with him. He is another edition who has broken the poor Hrsikesa from the society." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 07:44 | 1969 September 17:"The reception here was very nice. The BBC invited us for television on Tuesday night. We are expecting many engagements and it appears here that people are very interested in the Krishna Consciousness Movement." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 07:39 | 1970 September 17: "In India, from the very moment we stepped down from the airplane, there is good propaganda work going on. We are sending out Sankirtana Party and it appears to be very successful. We have had many meetings and still we have got many engagements and the functions are going very nicely." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 07:33 | 1970 September 17: "Regarding your opening a branch, I have got all my blessings upon you. Do it immediately. So far GBC, I prefer to see you a great preacher and you may be relieved from that responsibility." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 07:30 | 1970 September 17: "We are not concerned with a scholar who knows theoretically Caitanya Vaisnava Movement but we are interested with persons who are actually devotees who actually chant Hare Krsna Mahamantra and follow the regulative principles; Theoretical knowledge will not help us." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 07:27 | 1970 September 17: "The new boy Bruce is improving. He has now sacrificed his hairs for Krsna - that is a good sign. I hope the way you conduct our Temple will improve and there may not be any more poisonous effects as happened in the past." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 07:24 | September 16, 2014 1955 September 16: "My dear Sripada Gosvami Maharaja, Either in Calcutta or in Delhi we must have our own press to broadcast the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in all the important languages. Hindi is for all India propaganda while English is for world wide propaganda." Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64 letters | 12:20 | 1965 September 16: "Today is the 35th day of our journey. The Lord has Himself taken charge of the ship. In expansion the Lord is rowing the oars. We shall certainly reach to America port safely. The whole night was non-disturbing and today on the 36th day of our journey we reached safely the Boston Port." Jaladuta Diary :: 1965 letters | 12:17 | 1967 September 16: Your eagerness to get me back will surely be a success because I'm also eager to return. Tears for Krishna is as good as associating with Him personally. So your feelings and tears of Krishna Consciousness will make you more enriched in spiritual advancement." Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 letters | 12:14 | 1967 September 16: "Krishna is very kind to all but He is especially kind to his sincere devotee. I know you are a sincere devotee. When you drive your car you always chant Hare Krishna and when I was by your side I could understand how heartily you have accepted this Krishna Consciousness." Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 letters | 12:13 | 1970 September 16: "We have come here eight strong. I am trying to establish a branch and we are getting encouragement. Books and magazines worth $60,000 are coming very shortly, then we will have vigorous preaching work." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 12:03 | 1971 September 16: "We should not follow the policy that one man gives us everything and we become idle. This is a material policy. Our policy is madhukari or the profession of the bumblebee. The bumblebee does not eat all the honey in one flower. It goes from flower to flower and takes little. The purpose is that saintly persons, Vaisnavas, if they take something from many men, everyone is benefited." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 11:58 | 1974 September 16: "Krsna is giving you chance because you want to serve. It is all Krsna's grace. Krsna says, 'Anyone who is sincerely engaged in My service I give him the intelligence.' So if Krsna gives the intelligence who can compete with you? Krsna is the most intelligent." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 11:37 | 1974 September 16: "I understand you received the vote in the election for Temple President. So you should be the president. I am putting my casting vote for you. I have informed the GBC of this by post." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 11:36 | September 15, 2014 1967 September 15: "I understand the draft board is disturbing you. It is also disturbing to me, but we have no other recourse than Krishna. Do your best to serve Krishna and he will give you required intelligence to cope with disturbing situations." Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 letters | 13:02 | 1968 September 15: "Please do not be very serious with this Swami because they are impersonalists. Our mode of Krishna Consciousness is different from theirs. Perhaps these people may not like our Sankirtana movement, so you have to be very careful in their association." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 13:01 | 1969 September 15: "While you are in school, simply speak to the students and teachers, distribute our books and arrange for kirtana where many students can hear the sound of Hare Krishna. This is the prescribed formula for propagating Krishna Consciousness." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 13:00 | 1971 September 15: "Our Krishna Consciousness movement is the representative of Krishna. But we are very much poor in strength. Our only strength is chanting Hare Krishna and that will give us strength to enlighten people in Krishna consciousness and cut down bad government." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 12:56 | 1972 September 15: "On the whole, they should not be given any power unless they are my initiated disciples, but try to keep them as consultants. Our process is slow but sure. Our big centers started with only a handful of men and because they were determined to expand by recruiting the local men, that has been their success." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 12:51 | 1972 September 15: "He should donate Kesighat Temple to us and we shall renovate and make very gorgeous for the foreign tourists. And everyone will appreciate the contribution of the King of Bharatapur and perpetuate his memory. So approach him yourself immediately and ask him to donate." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 12:47 | 1974 September 15: "Dead metal utensils when they come together they make so much noise, so what to speak of living utensils. Europeans and Americans are very agitative, but since we have all taken a pledge, we have to change this habit for the peaceful service of Krishna." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 12:38 | 1975 September 15: "Krishna gives perfect social order, perfect economic development, perfect philosophy, perfect religion, and perfection of life. Therefore Krishna consciousness movement is not a sentimental fanaticism. It is the perfect culture of the whole human society." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 12:29 | September 14, 2014 1951 September 14: "I wish that the American people may understand Bhagavad-gita's direct meaning. Let it not be unnecessarily misunderstood by academic erudition which has nothing to do with living reality. Then it will be possible for us all to understand the basic principle of cosmic harmony. - Abhay Caranaravinda Bhaktivedanta" Prabhupada Letters :: 1947-64 letters | 15:42 | 1965 September 14: "Today is the 33rd day of our journey. In the morning I saw the sky cloudy with dim moonlight. The captain told me he has never had such experience of calm & quietness. In the past there was always typhoon, cyclone, etc. for days. I said it is Lord Krishna's Grace. If such things would have taken place on the Atlantic, I would die." Jaladuta Diary :: 1965 letters | 15:40 | 1968 September 14: "This Krishna Consciousness movement through music, philosophy, spiritual culture, and personal behavior culminating in ideal character of the devotees - all these heavenly contributions combined together will certainly bring about a major change in the life of Western people." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 15:38 | 1969 September 14: "I may be a poor man's son, or a poor man myself, but fortunately I have been transferred to America to become rich man's father. Now we have got so many books, if you can arrange for the selling of these books, there will be no scarcity of money either for the father or for the son." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 15:35 | 1969 September 14: "Now I have come to England. Our temple here is not yet finished, so I am staying in the house of Mr. John Lennon. He is very much kind upon us. So let us see how we can establish Krishna Consciousness in this part of the world." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 15:32 | 1970 September 14: "Convince these rascal sannyasis. What is the use of finding out a fourth-class leader who has no asset as their background? I am simply sorry that such intelligent boys are misusing their brain substance in this way. Try to rectify them as far as possible." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 15:24 | 1970 September 14: "Disturbance is caused by ignorance; where there is no ignorance, there is no disturbance. My oral instruction as well as my books are all at your service. Now you GBC consult them and get clear and strong idea - then there will be no disturbance." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 15:22 | 1972 September 14: "Make our display very prominent at the Frankfurt Book Fair, and if they will allow us to have kirtana and distribute prasadam, do that also. This is very important so utilize it well and make our books very widely distributed all over Europe." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 15:18 | 1974 September 14: "Now they have become expert doll makers. Give them all facilities. Let all those with artistic talent assist them. I want very extensive doll exhibits in every center. My Guru Maharaja spent lots of money on doll exhibitions on Srimad-Bhagavatam. So make doll exhibitions very prominent and many visitors will throng to our temples." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 15:12 | 1974 September 14: "I very much appreciate that he distributed 138 hardbound books simply because of hearing my letter. This boy he immediately attempted and Krsna immediately responded. That is very, very nice. They are all very nice, Krsna will bless them." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 15:08 | |
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