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.: Prabhupada Letters :. Anthology a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() April 12, 2014 1966 April 12: "Astami. Today I have been to New India House. Mr. Mukherji of Passport Department kept my undertaking and passport for necessary action will return on Monday the 18th. Bus fare .30. An address on the Bhagavad-gita, chapter 2, verses 51-55." Prabhupada Letters :: 1966 letters | 18:33 | 1967 April 12: "Don't be overburdened. We don't want anyone to be overburdened. Rather I shall ask him who is not a family man to take the whole responsibility. So don't be agitated. Prosecute Krishna consciousness in peacefulness." Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 letters | 18:31 | 1968 April 12: "There is nothing to wonder for big gaps. These gaps do not hamper from understanding the parampara system. We have to pick up the prominent acaryas, and follow from him." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 18:26 | 1969 April 12: "I welcome everyone's cooperation. If we cooperate, we can do tremendous service for Lord Caitanya. I am prepared to cooperate in every way - but I wonder if the other side is prepared for this also." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 18:22 | 1970 April 12: "Let Lord Jagannatha be carried from London in Their chariots and live for eight days at the chapel house of George Harrison, that will be practical understanding of Krishna Consciousness. Then after, Lord Jagannatha shall return in procession to London temple. You can suggest this idea to George on my behalf." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 18:18 | 1972 April 12: "Prasadam distribution is very, very important. Gradually increase the number of guests, and don't deny anyone. Continue in this way: Whatever is there, distribute equally - it may not be very sumptuous, but no one should be denied equal portion." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 18:15 | 1972 April 12: "It is a father's duty to raise his son to be a strong, useful citizen, and sometimes he must reprimand him for some mistake in order to teach him. But this harshness is only for his son's benefit. It is simply out of love that I chastise any of my students." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 18:11 | 1973 April 12: "So Krishna has given you American intelligence, and I think this New York City is the greatest city in the world. So all you managers cooperate together and do something gorgeous. That is my instruction to you, and if you can do it Krishna will be very much pleased with you." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 18:09 | April 11, 2014 1970 April 11: "All of them are pseudo-religions. The Bhagavat condemns such pseudo-religion. Except Krsna Consciousness or Bhagavata Dharma, any other system of religion is only pretension." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 17:46 | 1971 April 11: "Do not worry about the immigration difficulties. It will all be done by Krishna's grace. Don't worry. Take to the right process and it will be done." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 17:42 | 1971 April 11: "Initiated members are for managing the temples and preaching work. We are not after making initiated members very many but our concern is that people understand this philosophy in wider circles." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 17:40 | 1972 April 11: "I am surprised that none of the GBC members detected the defects. It was detected only when it came to me. What will happen when I am not here, shall everything be spoiled by GBC?" Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 17:38 | 1972 April 11: "So in the GBC Agenda I do not find any programs for reforming our past bad habits. So for the time being, let the GBC activities be suspended until I thoroughly revise the whole procedure." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 17:37 | 1973 April 11: "These children are the future hope of our Society, so it is a very important matter how we train them. The simple method I have introduced is sufficient.Why this Montessori method?" Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 17:28 | 1974 April 11: "It is extremely assuring that Gurukula is doing nicely. The importance of Gurukula cannot be overestimated, both for our Movement, indeed it is important for the whole world." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 17:27 | 1974 April 11: "Human life means tapasya, lie down on the floor, collect alms for the spiritual master - not to make a comfortable material arrangement. We are producing first class brahmanas who can actually do good for their fellow man." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 17:26 | April 10, 2014 1966 April 10: "Sasthi. Today the whole day I remained at Paul's loft and did not go out. Today I am working on Cohen's big Royal Typewriter and it is very good for hard working. Paul is impressed with my mission in America." Prabhupada Journal :: 1966 letters | 20:59 | 1969 April 10: "I eulogize your attempt for improving the Center. Do it very nicely, and when I go there I shall see that you have done so much for Krishna Consciousness." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 20:58 | 1970 April 10: "As soon as a center is opened it gives me Vaikuntha bliss. Such news is life-giving ambrosia, so the more you open branches, the more I increase my duration of life. Go on opening nice branches as many as possible." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 20:56 | 1972 April 10: "I am very much puzzled by the whole business. You have passed so many resolutions and made so many other changes. Therefore I have not approved of it, and I have suspended the GBC." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 20:51 | 1972 April 10: "Now I have given you everything, but I do not see that even the basic principles of advancement are there and instead we become carried away by big big talk. So I am still thinking how things will go on." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 20:50 | 1974 April 10: "So many criticisms he alleges you are making. This is not good. Let them work peacefully. This fighting spirit will ruin our great movement." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 20:42 | 1975 April 10: "The process of opening a center somewhere is that we go there and hold classes for one week on the teachings of Bhagavad-gita and if the people like, then we'll open a center." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 20:36 | 1975 April 10: "I am very glad that you have come forward, one of the leaders of the community. Our ideology is standard. It is not anything new, but it is very old. It is not anything concocted." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 20:34 | April 9, 2014 1966 April 9: "Panchami. Today I went to Dr. Mishra's apartment. I cooked some khichuri and took it. After a little rest, I took my typewriters and came down to my room at 72nd St. From there I came to Paul's loft. In the evening Susman met me. He brought some grains." Prabhupada Letters :: 1966 letters | 20:49 | 1968 April 9: "He has taken the step as a matter of diplomacy but will come back when I return to India. I am not astonished for his behavior but I am sorry for my Godbrother's behavior. He is a neophyte and so he may commit so many mistakes, but my Godbrother should not have commited such a mistake. It is not approved." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 20:47 | 1968 April 9: "How one is successful in his work is tested by whether or not Krishna is satisfied. The Impersonalists cannot enjoy this bliss of satisfying Krishna. They make Krishna dead, so they will remain dead, never to understand Krishna." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 20:44 | 1970 April 9: "As you are trying your best to make our preaching propaganda as authoritative as possible, Krishna will certainly help you. The book I sent you will help - and the balance Krishna will teach you. Always remember this, time is very short - we want to understand our business only and not become very scholarly." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 20:42 | 1971 April 9: "Your very sincere attitude for serving your Spiritual Master is the only way. Offering the same highest respects to the Spiritual Master as to the Supreme Person, makes one bona fide to receive spiritual knowledge by revelation so I pray to Krishna to bestow upon you all his blessings." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 20:37 | 1972 April 9: "We are selling our books not for making business but for pleasing Krishna, and by preaching we should sell books, not by cheating. If this simple method is followed, there will be tremendous success in selling of our books, and the public will appreciate and take great benefit from our preaching." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 20:32 | 1972 April 9: "In every endeavor our only purpose is to make advancement in pleasing Krishna. You are working so hard only out of love for me, so if love is there how can there be any question of force? We should never force anyone or reduce our Society to an impersonal business exchange - that will kill everything." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 20:30 | 1975 Aprill 9: "Regarding your affliction, simply take the proper treatment. The dust from the lotus feet of the Spiritual Master is never to be used for material benefit. That is a great misconception. Chant your rounds and follow all the rules and regulations in this way even if afflicted you will fully understand the mercy of Krishna and the Spiritual Master." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 20:27 | April 8, 2014 1966 April 8: "Chaturthi. Today the whole day and night also I stayed at Mr. Paul&'s loft. Saw Elsy to enquire about the Library of Congress card. No very encouraging. Evening there was meeting. Seven boys & girls attended. Contribution $5.00 and some fruits also. Expenditure - Bus fare .30." Prabhupada Letters :: 1966 letters | 19:32 | 1968 April 8: "If your present paintings are not acceptable to the general public, I do not mind; they are fools. You continue trying your best to make your pictures as far they can be nice looking, but not to satisfy the senses of the rascal public. " Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 19:30 | 1970 April 8: "By the grace of Srila Prabhupada my preaching work is coming out very successful. So you can help by sending as many mrdangas and Navadvipa made karatalas as you can because we require them for our Sankirtana movement all over the world." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 19:28 | 1972 April 8: "This discrimination is spiritually illegal. Many hundreds of my foreign disciples will be coming to India in the near future and it will be the misfortune of the administrative officials of Puri if so many qualified devotees of the Lord are not allowed into the temple, simply because they have taken their birth in a faraway place." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 19:25 | 1972 April 8:"MEMO TO ALL ISKCON TEMPLE PRESIDENTS: I AUTHORIZE YOU TO DISREGARD ANY DECISION FROM THE GBC. ALL GBC ORDERS ARE SUSPENDED HEREWITH BY ME UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 19:19 | 1973 April 8: "Your program for traveling and holding festivals at schools is approved by me. Especially you must try to convince these students to join us. There is nothing else that will save the world from destruction and it is our responsibility to recruit these young educated boys and girls before they become spoiled by the degraded conditions of this society." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 19:18 | 1974 April 8: "If there is genuine preaching the local people will be attracted, so long the preacher has no self-motivation, but simply chants and preaches. This is how I started. Sit down and simply talk about Krishna and organize the local people." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 19:16 | 1975 April 8: "Study our books very carefully and then try to write something. Do not concoct your own theories. This is not the process. Write just as you have heard from the Spiritual Master and nothing else. Otherwise, your writing is useless." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 19:13 | April 7, 2014 1966 April 7: "Tritiya. Today I am staying with Paul. I cooked food and dined with him and Sakar. They liked the foodstuff very nice. Circumstances seem to be favorable. Paul promises to organize. He is enthusiastic. Let us see. He attended the morning class punctually." Prabhupada Journal :: 1966 letters | 20:24 | 1967 April 7: "I consider you all as representative of my Guru Maharaj to help me in this helpless condition. My Godbrothers did not help me but my Spiritual Master has helped me. So do not think that I can ever forget you even for a moment. Be happy and execute more and more service for Krishna and Krishna will accept you in His association." Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 letters | 20:20 | 1967 April 7: "I am very glad that Lord Jesus Christ has approved our activities. I love Lord Jesus Christ as good as Krishna; because He rendered the greatest service to Krishna. Similarly Hajrat Mohammed and Lord Buddha also rendered the greatest service to the human society according to the time and circumstances in which They appreared." Prabhupada Letters :: 1967 letters | 20:18 | 1970 April 7: "This Krishna Consciousness movement is a major revolutionary renaissance based on authorized Vedic culture. I have now got 28 centers in different parts of the world; Europe, America, Canada, Japan, and Australia. So by the grace of Lord Krsna it is going on." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 20:17 | 1973 April 7: "The report of book distribution is very pleasing. I am especially pleased that you are introducing my books as textbooks in the colleges. We must attract the educated young men and women in your country so that in future there will be many strong leaders to keep our Krishna Consciousness Movement strong." Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 letters | 19:56 | 1974 April 7: "The printing of the new book appears excellent and this new publication has given me unlimited bliss. That you are profusely distributing the book all over is the crowning success of our movement. We will conquer Europe with these books. I am planning to go to Paris soon and at that time I shall be able to join you." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 19:55 | 1974 April 7: "Because of the inability of present managers I will be traveling there to make a decision for the permanent leadership of the centers. Stop the bickering and conflicting camps. If everyone is strictly chanting at least sixteen rounds daily, reading my books and observing the regulative principles then management will be at your finger's end." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 19:54 | April 6, 2014 1966 April 6: "Dwitiya. Today I took meals at Dr. Mishra's place. He is not happy that I am gradually shifting to Paul's place. Today received one letter from Library of Congress Washington. It is good news. At evening there was meeting. There were seven boys and girls. All attended the meeting carefully. Some of them brought Rice, Atta, and fruits." Prabhupada Letters :: 1966 letters | 19:12 | 1968 April 6:"Yesterday I saw two pictures of modern abstract arts. There was nothing to impel my Krishna Consciousness. So, if you want to be a great artist in that way, I will pray that Krishna may save you." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 19:09 | 1968 April 6: "The engagements sound very nice, and especially it is good if they pay us. We are not cheap, we are distributing bona fide process, so for traveling far distance they should especially pay us something." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 19:06 | 1968 April 6: "The late Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri was very much respectful and he met me three times. He was to help me in so many ways, he was my friend but he died. So far his quotation is concerned, it is on the leaflet with picture on it; the one where he is receiving the Bhagavatam from me." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 19:05 | 1968 April 6: "So far Allen Ginsberg and Denise Levertov's study of Bhagavad-gita is concerned, that is completely nil. Their appreciations are nonsense but if you and MacMillan think they will actually increase the sale of the book, then never mind, you can add their appreciation." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 19:00 | 1972 April 6: "YOUR MATERIAL LEGAL FORMULA WILL NOT HELP YOU. ONLY OUR SPIRITUAL LIFE CAN HELP. I HAVE NO APPROVAL FOR ANY THESE PLANS STOP HE HAS NO AUTHORITY FROM ME TO MANAGE ANYTHING REMOVE HIM YOU REMAIN DON'T LEAVE AGAIN STOP - BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI" Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 18:58 | 1974 April 6: "By Krsna's and Baladeva's mercy a sweet water well has been found about ten feet away from the front part of our land. This news has pleased me very much. Now build a big well 100 feet deep there and fix a pump. Now that the tamal tree is blooming so nicely you may let it stand; do not cut it down, but let it grow." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 18:54 | 1974 April 6: "I accept your invitation and I may stay no more than four or five days each in Paris, Geneva, Stockholm and Rome, and then to Germany at three or four centers there also. Then I must go to Australia returning to India for Janmastami." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 18:50 | 1972 April 6: "YOUR MATERIAL LEGAL FORMULA WILL NOT HELP YOU. ONLY OUR SPIRITUAL LIFE CAN HELP YOU. I HAVE NO APPROVAL FOR ANY THESE PLANS STOP HE HAS NO AUTHORITY FROM ME TO MANAGE ANYTHING STOP REMOVE HIM. - BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI" Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 12:14 | |
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