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.: Prabhupada Letters :. Anthology a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() January 18, 2014 1968 January 18: "Bhagavad-gita is nearing completion - I have heard this before. The editing has been too much delayed. Come here immediately so that I can see it personally and finish the editorial work without further delay." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 07:48 | 1968 January 18: "We do not bluff our students and because we are a little bit strict we have not a very large number of followers, neither do we want any large amount of nonsense followers. We want only one Moon. We do not care for millions of stars." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 07:46 | 1970 January 18: "We are now at the Magh Mela and the program is going on very nicely. We are having daily artik many times with kirtan and there is prasadam distribution, Sankirtan, and our pandel is very big. So we invite you to come here with your family." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 07:38 | 1971 January 18: "We want to present the pure thing as we are taught by Caitanya Mahaprabhu and that will bring in real change. This is actually revolutionary. I have made sannyasis for this purpose. Apply yourself." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 07:34 | 1972 January 18: "I am very pleased you are trying very determinedly trying to follow the principles so I think you should very quickly join us and perfect your life as it has been proven practically all over the world. So now you may come here and meet me for taking your initiation." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 07:25 | 1975 January 18: "Regarding your controversial talks, this is childish and not befitting advanced students. There is no question of inferior or superior in Krishna's service. It is not material." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 07:18 | 1975 January 18: "You are one of the advanced students. Do not make any misunderstanding by devaluing any of the spiritual activities. One who distinguishes a particular type of service as inferior or superior, he does not know the value of devotional service." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 07:16 | 1975 January 18: "Everyone should feel proud of becoming a sincere servant of Krishna, but the pure devotee never minimizes the importance of other devotees. There is no question of inferior or superior. The conclusion is that everyone should be very, very sincere." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 07:12 | January 17, 2014 1968 January 17: "I am old man, I have no objection to death, still I wish to live because I want to see that the mission I have started may be more stronger still before I leave. So I pray to Krishna for this." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 13:05 | 1970 January 17: "I duly received estimate of Krishna Picture Book. You have said the price is just at your rock bottom. I have accepted the estimate, and very soon I shall send you the manuscript." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 13:04 | 1971 January 17 : "You propose to print Krsna Book in the tens of millions. That is nice, but I think it is still insufficient." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 13:03 | 1972 January 17 : "I count you and your godbrothers among those few who are treading seriously the path Back to Godhead. We must maintain such exalted position and not fall back by neglecting our highest standards. " Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 13:01 | 1972 January 17 : "I am so much depending on you to take full responsibility for teaching others purely. Otherwise, this pure process will gradually become mechanical and fade away like every other so-called religious movement." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 13:00 | 1974 January 17: "I was surprised you are contemplating canceling the Vrindaban touring. In my opinion it must be carried out. If there is a little inconvenience, still the devotees must visit Vrindaban." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 12:34 | 1975 January 17: "If you are not intending to send for food distribution, then do not collect in the name of Food Relief. Whatever is collected for India food distribution, must be sent as soon as it is collected, to India." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 12:17 | 1975 January 17: "Secure the new building. Be cautious. Do not spoil the negotiation. That building is very nice. We want it." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 08:15 | January 16, 2014 1968 January 16: "Be good boy and girl and always chant. You will be so pleased with the result. You are a little better than Janaki but don't get puffed up and be good to those a little less fortunate." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 08:00 | 1969 January 16: "One has to learn about the greatness of Krishna. To come to the stage of spontaneous love for Krishna is a very high stage, and it is not to be imitated. That is the system." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 07:58 | 1970 January 16 : "It is our desire that we shall always be engaged fully 24 hours in the service of Lord Krishna; in this way our lives will become perfectly joyful simply by singing and dancing and taking Prasadam." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 07:54 | 1971 January 16 : "Your body is already sold to Krishna. We are all sold to Krishna and we have no other business but His service. That should be our determination." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 07:49 | 1972 January 16 : "Upon your recommendation, I gladly accept them as my duly initiated disciples. Now you must take full responsibility to give them all guidance and facility for perfecting their lives in Krishna Consciousness." Prabhupada Letters :: 1972 letters | 07:06 | 1974 January 16: "This poster will depict devotees as leaders, 'Select Real Leaders - Don't Spoil Life.' Distribute it all over the world, and use it widely in your campaign for Mayor." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974: letters | 07:03 | 1975 January 16: "Thank you for your concern. My disciples are getting ghee and other milk products daily. They are also taking fruits and vegetables. Some of them are getting very fatty." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 06:14 | 1975 January 16: "Please make sure these new devotees (as well as the old ones) follow all of my rules and regulations strictly. Without this, there is no spiritual life at all." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 06:13 | January 15, 2014 1968 January 15: "We can remember Krishna in every moment and there is no scope of forgetting Krishna if we practice. Our Society for Krishna Consciousness is meant for this and I am still hopeful that the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita as Science of God can be preached by all of you throughout the world." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 16:23 | 1968 January 15: "Less intelligent persons cannot take to Krishna Consciousness. He should not have been initiated, but I have given him a chance to improve. Next time I will only initiate someone who is recommended by the leading members of our society." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 16:22 | 1969 January 15: "I am much grieved to learn the news of our revered god-brother. I am so glad to learn that he passed away in full consciousness chanting 'Krishna, Krishna'. Everything will be tested at the time of death so it is glorious that he has so gloriously passed away." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 16:16 | 1970 January 15: "We have lived there for the last three years and we may live there for another three years, it does not matter, but our Sankirtana program must be executed very nicely. Our most important place is on the street." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 16:14 | 1970 January 15: "We require hundreds of bona fide students. The world is in need of this. People are going to hell for want of proper guidance. You must train your contemporaries in such spirit of alertness, then we shall be able to open hundreds of centers." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 16:11 | 1970 January 15: "It is now confirmed that any of our members who are strictly following the regulative chanting process, observing the restrictions and serving the Lord faithfully will have natural ministerial status and as such will not be called up by the Draft Board." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 16:00 | 1975 January 15: "Your idea sounds very nice. It is a good proposal. Is it practical? Can you do it? If you think it is practical and you can do it, then it could have very nice results. Work nicely and see what can be arranged." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 15:55 | 1975 January 15: "How to please Krishna? - by following all the regulative principle that I have given you, chanting sixteen rounds and reading my books scrutinizingly. Everyone must do these things, otherwise they cannot understand Krishna Consciousness." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 15:50 | January 14, 2014 1966 January 14: "I am requesting you to allow me the place for use of the International Institution For God consciousness at least for some time. If I can start the institution immediately certainly I shall be able to get sympathy locally and in that case I may not be required to get money from India." Prabhupada Letters :: 1966 letters | 10:01 | 1968 January 14: "My guidance means Krishna's guidance. The bona fide Spiritual Master is the transparent via media between Krishna and the devotee. The devotee has no access to Krishna without such a via media." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 09:58 | 1968 January 14: "There are two gurus. The internal Guru is Krishna Himself seated in everyone's heart, and the external Guru is the bona fide Spiritual Master. The internal Guru Krishna dictates, but the thing has to be confirmed by the external Guru then it is all right." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 09:56 | 1970 January 14: "Although I was not very enthusiastic to carry out my Spiritual Master's order He forced me circumstantially to accept. I always think about this exalted personality coming directly from Vaikuntha World and we had the great fortune to meet Him." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 09:52 | 1970 January 14: "The business we have taken on is neither your business nor my business but it is the business of Lord Caitanya and His bona fide servants like my Guru Maharaja. It is the duty of all of us to execute it as nicely as possible." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 09:51 | 1975 January 14: "Distribute millions and millions of books but at the same time be very careful in your dealings. You may refer to the letters I have written in regards to the recent controversies about book distribution methods." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 09:44 | 1975 January 14: "Everyone must rise early, take bath, attend mangala arati, chant at least 16 good rounds, attend class, and follow the principles strictly. Anyone who does not accept the regulative principles staunchly will have to fall down." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 09:41 | 1975 January 14: "Regarding your fasting, if you are sick, then fasting is the best medicine. For disease and unwanted guests, if you do not give them food, they will go away." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 09:32 | January 13, 2014 1968 January 13: "I thank you for your nice letter and your kind appreciation. I will always be so pleased with your sincere service as I am so much happy with you. Yes, the ecstasy of separation of Spiritual Master is even greater ecstasy than meeting with Him." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 12:41 | 1968 January 13: "The Serpent-like feature of the Lord is another expansion of the Lord, to provide His Place on the Ocean. So long we have got materialistic view the serpent is fierce. But He is not at all fierceful to the devotees." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 12:38 | 1969 January 13: "You are so fortunate to be the servitors of Sri Sri Jagannatha Deva installed by your forefathers. To increase your affection for Them you should take only the prasadam of Jagannatha Deva. This facility you have got in this life and it should not be missed." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 12:33 | 1969 January 13: "There is no need to explain your recent traveling; the reason is you are restless. Any place you want to live, that is all right - but just concentrate your mind on utilizing your talents for Krishna's service." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 12:25 | 1970 January 13: "Sometimes the authorities are checking us but we have not stopped, neither have we any intention to stop this Sankirtana Movement. Things are improving daily and I hope they will continue to improve on and on." Prabhupada Letters :: 1970 letters | 12:21 | 1974 January 13: "Krsna Consciousness means blissful life. It is very pleasing to me that you are so happy in your service to the Deities. Make the atmosphere so blissful that many persons will be attracted to come and live with us." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 12:14 | 1975 January 13: "I have arranged for the opening on Sri Ram Navami. I wish to know whether your Holiness will kindly install the deity properly according to Hari bhakti Vilasa. The Governor of Uttar Pradesh has also kindly consented to join us." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 12:05 | 1975 January 13: "You must follow these four principles at all times, under all circumstances. Reject anyone who advises you otherwise. Such persons are worse than poison. Without the regulative principles there is no spiritual life." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 12:04 | January 12, 2014 1968 January 12: "These books are not material knowledge. To a sincere student, all the contents of my books become revealed from within, even if he has not thoroughly studied them all." Prabhupada Letters :: 1968 letters | 16:48 | 1969 January 12: "Our program is for constructing one Rupanuga Vidyapitha - a school for educating brahmanas and Vaisnavas. We have enough technological institutions, but there is none where actual brahmanas and Vaisnavas are produced. So we must establish." Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 letters | 16:45 | 1971 January 12: "I am very anxious to see this movement having centers in all the important cities of all seven continents in order to unify the entire world under the banner of the Krishna Consciousness Movement within a very short time." Prabhupada Letters :: 1971 letters | 16:35 | 1974 January 12: "You are thinking of many plans but do not enact anything without consulting me. Your thinking is not always to the standard. Read my books. You are the president so you must be very conversant with our philosophy." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 16:33 | 1974 January 12: "So you should set the example. Throughout the day the atmosphere of constant engagement will produce the truly happy result of transcendental life. Our buildings are not for sleeping and eating like hotels." Prabhupada Letters :: 1974 letters | 16:27 | 1975 January 12: "Our philosophy is simple living and high thinking - not sense gratification. One engaged in self-realization, his material necessities become almost nil. Temple presidents and leaders must show this by their example." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 16:26 | 1975 January 12: "There are so many devotees in your zone. You must see that every one of them is chanting and observing our rules and regulations strictly. This is the duty of GBC, to see that all of our members are becoming fixed up in Krishna's service." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 16:23 | 1975 January 12: "I am in due receipt of your letter and have noted the contents. If you like, you can come to India during Sri Caitanya's appearance day festival and live with me for sometime. Then everything will be alright." Prabhupada Letters :: 1975 letters | 16:21 | |
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